Yesterday, popular mom blogger Heather Armstrong announced on her website,, that she and her husband, Jon, have decided to end their 10 year marriage, and noted that she and Jon have chosen to keep the details to the hows and whys private.  Jon’s website posted an identical message – both promising they remain good friends.

It was almost exactly a year ago when Heather announced that she and Jon were going through a separation.  Little was said about it at that time, too, though it was mentioned on Jon’s site that Heather was the one who asked for the divorce and hinted at Heather’s struggle with depression – something Heather has battled for years and chronicled in her blog after her first child was born. is one of those mom blogs that draws you in because of Heather’s blatant honesty.  She says all the things many of us are thinking, both loving on her kids and making fun of them in the same sentence, and revealing all the different parts that make her who she is – and make it ok for us to be who we are.  Her public struggles have helped many women in the same position she’s been in as Heather gave others a sense that they weren’t weird, shameful, or alone in what they were going through.

So to not share something that is such a huge part of her life must be both relieving in the sense of maintaining some privacy, as well as painful to not be able to share it just as she has with every other struggle she’s gone through.

Are you a blogger?  Do you blog about your family?  How do you decide what’s ok to talk about publicly, or what’s better to be kept private?  Do you ever struggle with this decision?

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